Commercial Construction
Here are the resources you will need if planning a commercial construction project in our district.
Commercial Building Permits
A Commercial Building Permit is required if you are going to do any of the following:
Build a commercial structure
Remodel a commercial structure
Install or remodel a fire suppression or detection system
Install or remodel an underground or above ground storage tank. (propane tanks are the most common)
Operate an Air Curtain Destructor Open Burn Pit (DNR Permit)
Add a sprinkler system, or
Add a hood suppression system above a cooking appliance in a commercial building.
Required Construction Documents For Permit Application
105.4 Construction Documents. The construction documents for new construction, alteration, repairs, expansion, addition or modification for buildings or structures shall be prepared by a registered design professional. All construction documents shall be prepared by the appropriate registered design professional consistent with the professional registration laws of the State of Missouri. The construction documents shall include the name and address of the registered design professional and shall be signed, sealed and dated by the registered design professional in accordance with Section 105.4.1.
Exception: The nature of the work applied for is such that review of construction documents is not necessary to obtain compliance with this fire prevention code.
105.4.1 Application Of Seals: When construction documents are submitted, the application of seals and signatures on those documents shall be required as follows:
All construction documents submitted with an application for a building permit shall bear an original embossed or wet ink seal and original signature on the front sheet of each discipline within each set of construction documents; or
The registered design professional for each discipline shall place his original seal and signature upon the cover sheet of each set of construction documents.
All other sheets of the construction documents, other than specifications or calculations, shall bear the original embossed, wet ink or mechanically reproduced seal of the registered design professional. Any addenda or modifications submitted for changes to the construction documents shall also bear an original seal and signature by the registered design professional. Such changes shall be clearly indicated.
107.2 Commercial Permit Fee: The fee for a commercial construction permit shall be One Hundred ($100) plus one dollar ($1.00) per one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) estimated construction cost.
Use Permits
A Commercial Occupancy Use Permit is required if you are occupying a new commercial space or are a new occupant of an existing commercial space.
A Commercial Use Permit provides the Eureka Fire Protection District with vital information on the activities of commercial occupancy. It also includes emergency contact information in the event of an incident at that occupancy after business hours to someone with authority to make decisions for that occupancy.
Commercial Use Permit Fee: $50.00 per occupant or tenant space up to 1000 sq. ft. and $100 for spaces over 1000 sq. ft. Permit voided after occupant or tenant space has been vacated.