Commercial Fire Prevention
The Eureka Fire Protection District proudly serves 410 businesses within our district. As a business owner in the district, we take it very seriously the opportunity to partner with you in order to keep you and your customers safe.
Commercial Fire Inspections
Routine commercial fire prevention inspections allow the Eureka Fire Protection District to help the occupants of commercial occupancies reduce fire hazards and insure that fire and life safety features of these occupancies are in place and working as they should.
Important occupant telephone contact numbers are confirmed so that if there is an incident after business hours we can contact someone with authority to make decisions for that occupancy.
Commercial Fire Prevention Inspection Schedule By Occupancy

Address visible on occupancy including rear doors
FD Connection Clear and Visible
Gas Meter Crash Protection
Knox Box Present with Correct Keys
Electric Service Accessible
Fire Hydrant Clear and Accessible
Portable Tanks Secure and Capped
Flammable Liquids Properly Stored

Fire Alarm System
Fire Alarm Control Panel
Audible Alarm
All Devices In Service (No Trouble Signals)
System Annually Serviced by a Licensed Service Technician
System Diagram Available

Exits Free from Obstructions
Exit Signs Operating on both Building Power and Battery Backup
Emergency Lights Operate on Battery Power
Fire Escapes Properly Maintained
Exit Doors Functioning Properly
Emergency Exit Hardware Functioning Properly
Exit Pathways Clear and Appropriate Width
Emergency Evacuation Plan Posted (If Required)

Fire Extinguishers
Adequate and Appropriate Extinguishers in Correct Locations
Easily Accessible
Annual Service by a Licensed Service Technician

Proper Use of Extension Cords
Portable Tanks Secure and Capped
Flammable Liquids Properly Stored
Electrical Breaker Panel Unobstructed
No Storage in Mechanical Rooms

Fire Sprinkler System
Sprinkler Head Clearance
Alarm Valves (Tamper Switch or Locked Open)
Shutoff Valves Open (Tamper Switch or Locked Open)
FD Connection
Annual Test and Inspection by a Licensed Service Technician
Extra Heads / Wrench
System Diagram Available

Kitchen Equipment & Suppression Systems
Hood and Ducts Cleaned and Tagged every 6 Months
Hood and Duct Suppression System Serviced by a Licensed Service Technician every 6 Months
Appliances in Correct Location
K Class Extinguisher, Location, Annual Service.

Use Permit Posted and in Good Order
Check Occupant Emergency Contact Phone Numbers