President Gerald Ford proclaimed in 1974 that the third week of May would be honored as National EMS Week. This week-long public awareness campaign honors the work and life-saving efforts of EMS professionals across the nation. Eureka Fire Protection District honors our EMTs and paramedics this week, and we invite the public to learn more about emergency response efforts and the heroic work of our team members.
The National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) partners with the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) each year to commemorate the week-long campaign. This year is the 50th anniversary of National EMS Week, and each day of the week includes a focused theme that elevates public awareness and education about a different facet of emergency response.
Table of Contents
The 2024 National EMS Week Theme Schedule
How to Commemorate Health, Wellness,and Resilience Day
EMS Education Day: EMS Teams Never Stop Learning
Safety Tuesday: Simple Safety Tips Save Lives
EMS for Children Day Teaches Young Students About EMTs and Paramedics
Save-a-Life Day: Learn CPR and How to Stop the Bleed
EMS Recognition Day: How to Honor EMS Workers
EMS Remembrance Day Remembers the Fallen Heroes
The 2024 National EMS Week Theme Schedule
This 2024 campaign theme is “Honoring Our Past, Forging Our Future,” and the week includes a different theme for each day:
Sunday, May 19th, is Health, Wellness and Resilience Day
Monday, May 20th, is EMS Education Day
Tuesday, May 21st is designated as Safety Tuesday
Wednesday, May 22nd, is EMS for Children Day
Thursday, May 23rd, is Save-a-Life Day (CPR & Stop the Bleed)
Friday, May 24th, marks EMS Recognition Day
Saturday, May 25th, is EMS Remembrance Day, which honors fallen heroes.
How to Commemorate Health, Wellness, and Resilience Day
On Health, Wellness, and Resilience Day, EFPD focuses on the health and wellness of EMTs and paramedics. Mental health and wellness are crucial for a healthy EMS team. First responders provide aid to devastating accidents, fires, and emergencies; most individuals likely cannot fathom the scenes our teams witness regularly.
First responders are human; they have emotions about fatalities and severe injuries. EMTs and paramedics also must witness the pain and suffering of survivors, too. Mental health support and care ensure that our team receives the care they need to talk through what they witness and the emotions involved in emergency response.
Health, Wellness, and Resilience Day is when Districts across the country take time to remind every team member about the importance of self-care, emotional support, and all the available mental health resources.
During this day, reach out and thank first responders! A simple “thank you” goes a long way.
EMS Education Day: EMS Teams Never Stop Learning
Learning is ongoing for every fire and ambulance district. EMS Education Day focuses on continuing education. Emergency response techniques and technology constantly evolve and improve. Eureka Fire Protection District is fortunate to have many high-level tools available.
The Eureka community provides incredible support to our crews, allowing us to provide advanced training and ongoing continuing education opportunities for EMTs and paramedics, improving response times and outcomes.
Safety Tuesday: Simple Safety Tips Save Lives
Understanding simple safety tips allows individuals to make better choices and avoid dangerous situations. During Safety Tuesday, help EFPD keep the community safe by being safe on the street and at home.
We never want to see anyone in our community suffer. Help us keep you safe and follow these 10 simple everyday safety tips:
Put the phone down when driving. Distracted driving leads to accidents and deaths. A text or call isn’t worth a lost life!
Check your smoke detectors and keep an ABC fire extinguisher in the kitchen. Most house fires start from a cooking mishap. An ABC fire extinguisher can stop a blaze before it spreads. Remember that baking soda or salt also extinguishes a grease fire, but NEVER USE WATER.
Use a life jacket when swimming in rivers and lakes. Even strong swimmers can succumb to currents. Be cautious and take a life jacket. Also, never let kids swim unattended.
Always pack a first aid kit in the car. Don’t forget a car fire extinguisher. Emergencies are always unexpected. A first aid kit should include all the necessities–bandages, antiseptic, tweezers, aspirin (for heart emergencies), items for a tourniquet, tape, scissors, antibiotic ointment, hydrocortisone, thermometer, antihistamine, gloves, and gauze.
Keep spare phone chargers in every car.
Teach children not to play with matches, candles, fireworks, or lighters.
Abide by a core fire rule: NEVER add fuel to a fire. The consequences are horrific.
Plan a fire escape route for the family. Review the route regularly.
Designated drivers save lives.
Learn how to use a fire extinguisher properly. Just remember, PASS: pull, aim, squeeze, and sweep!
EMS for Children Day Teaches Young Students About EMTs and Paramedics
Don’t be surprised to see local EMTs or paramedics around local schools during EMS for Children Day. Many young students don’t understand the role of first responders, and some may fear first responders when they are in their gear.
EFPD wants all children to understand that our crews are here to help them. For EFPD, EMS for Children Day is year-round. Schools interested in hosting an event at their school to teach children about fire safety and the role of first responders can reach out to us. We’re always happy to support our schools.
Save-a-Life Day: Learn CPR and How to Stop the Bleed
Supporting EMS crews is as simple as learning CPR and understanding how to respond during emergencies. When individuals learn crucial life-saving skills, it can mean the difference between life and death during an emergency. Our crews arrive at the scene as quickly as possible, but every minute counts.
When the public knows how to provide CPR or stop bleeding, first responders can focus on stabilizing the individual and improving outcomes. Take a CPR class or learn basic first aid. Feel empowered in an emergency and know what to do when waiting for emergency responders.
Interested in learning CPR? Check out our class schedule and sign up.
EMS Recognition Day: How to Honor EMS Workers
A simple “thank you” means so much to all first responders. On EMS Recognition Day, EFPD recognizes everyone on our crew who serves the community and provides life-saving care and response services. On this day, EFPD honors everyone on our team!
EMS Remembrance Day: We Honor the Fallen Heroes
Firefighters, EMTs, and paramedics put themselves in harm’s way to save the lives of others. EMS Remembrance Day is the time to honor every colleague who has lost their life in the line of duty. Please join us to honor our fallen heroes. Send a photo, share a story.
Eureka residents can honor a fallen first responder with a memorial paver. These bricks are engraved and installed at the Eureka Fire Protection District’s Firefighters Memorial. Bricks are $100 and must be approved by the Foundation.
EMS Week Is Every Week
Emergency responders never stop working for their communities. The best way to honor the EMS, paramedics, and firefighters in all communities is by understanding and abiding by simple safety guidelines. Don’t put yourself or others in harm’s way, and feel empowered by learning CPR and other life-saving techniques. Stay safe, Eureka!
About the Author:

Eureka Fire Protection District is an EMS, Fire, and Rescue service provider located in Eureka, Missouri. Staffed with nearly one hundred volunteer and career Paramedics, EMTs, Firefighters, Junior Firefighters, and administrative teams, the department provides its local community with fire prevention, education, safety resources, and emergency relief. Eureka Fire Protection District maintains a reputation as a well-run, high-performing fire department by keeping up to date with the latest in life-saving training and technology.