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Get Help Coping With A Traumatic Event
Good Samaritans and helpful neighbors are key components for a thriving community. We greatly appreciate your willingness to help someone during their time of need until our personnel arrives on the scene. Unfortunately, some of these incidents can be tragic and have unfavorable outcomes. Bystanders may struggle to cope with their experience of these potentially traumatic events.
Why do I call 911? Can't I call the fire station direct to save time?The 911 center is staffed 24/7. Fire station personnel may be on an emergency scene and might not receive your call, wasting time for you to redial 911.
Who should I call for a non-emergency?You can call our engine house at 636-938-5505 or our dispatch center (Central County 911) at 636) 207-7911.
How do I get a copy of an incident report?Call the fire district at 636-938-5505.
Does the Eureka Fire Protection District install or inspect child car seats?Yes we do. We have 6 staff members who are trained as child car seat safety technicians. We ask that you call in advance to schedule an appointment. To learn more about car seat safety, click here.
I received a bill for an ambulance transport, who can I call with questions?"You can contact the district Administrative Office at 636-938-5505, Monday thur Friday 8 AM to 430 PM.
When responding to an EMS call, why does the Fire District sometimes send the ambulance and the pumper?"There are several circumstances that this may occur. Our ambulances are typically staffed by 2 firefighter/paramedics. As our dispatch center takes information there may be indications that more than 2 paramedics will be needed (i.e., a cardiac arrest, for lifting assistance, etc). Thus, the pumper is dispatched for additional manpower (as the pumper is also staffed with firefighter/paramedics) Our district is broken up into response areas. If the ambulance for a particular response area is out, the pumper for that response area will be dispatched. Since the pumper is staffed with firefighter/paramedics, they can begin care before the ambulance arrives.
Why are your fire trucks and ambulances numbered the way they are?Our apparatus follow a four-digit numbering scheme used across the St. Louis metropolitan area, excepting St. Louis Fire Department and Brentwood Fire Department. This scheme enables us to recognize what district and house the apparatus is from and what type of equipment it is. Let's look at rescue pumper 2414 as an example. The 24 is Eureka Fire District's number. All the apparatus, ambulances, and staff vehicles that belong to the Eureka Fire District will have the number 24 at the beginning. The third digit identifies what house the equipment is stationed at.In this case, the truck is coming from our engine house one. The last number tells us what type of equipment the truck is. The number 4 tells us the truck is a rescue pumper. Other equipment designations include: 0: Pumper 1: Pumper 2: Ladder 3: Tanker 4: Rescue Pumper 5: Combination (Ladder, Rescue, Pumper) 6: Rescue Squad 7: Ambulance 8: Brush Truck 9: Other (Boats, Command Posts, etc.)
How often should I replace my smoke detectors?The National Fire Protection Association recommends smoke detectors be replaced every 10 years. Batteries should be replaced every 6 months. It is suggested you change the batteries when you change your clocks for Daylight Savings time.
How can I become a career firefighter?To work full-time with the Eureka Fire Protection District you must already be a licensed paramedic. We will hire persons who do not yet have the St. Louis County Fire Academy and send them through, but it is preferred candidates already have such.
Will the fire department refill my fire extinguisher?The fire district does not refill fire extinguishers.
What type of fire extinguisher is best for my home?A multi-purpose fire extinguisher is best for the home. Look for the rating to be at least 2A;10B:C on the label. This extinguisher can be used on any type of fire commonly found in the home. It will often be labeled A-B-C and may be located at many retail establishments. To learn more about fire extinguishers, click here.
Where do I place smoke detectors?As a general rule there should be a smoke detector in every sleeping area, outside of every sleeping area, and one on every floor.
Where should Carbon Monoxide Detectors be placed?Carbon monoxide detectors should be placed within 40 feet of all sleeping areas, and on every level of your home.
When an emergency vehicle is approaching that is displaying emergency lights and sirens, what should I do?"By Missouri law, you are required to pull to the right and stop. This allows fire and EMS apparatus adequate and clear lanes to safely and quickly continue its response.
Why does the emergency equipment run with lights and siren, and then just turn them off?"On occasion, the fire engine and ambulance will be driving with lights and sirens and then suddenly turn them off - perhaps only to turn into a shopping center parking lot or side street. Be assured that when this happens it means we have received information through our 911 dispatchers that the incident is no longer a dire emergency. It is what we call "being disregarded."
Why do so many fire trucks respond to an incident?Fire department units are dispatched according to information received by the 911 operator. Firefighters are prepared to deal with the worst that could happen. A structure fire requires a number of people to do all the assigned tasks. Firefighting teams are assigned certain responsibilities such as fire extinguishment, search and rescue, ventilation, salvage, safety, accountability, and rapid intervention teams that are ready in case a firefighter becomes trapped or injured.
Why do I see firefighters cutting holes in the roof of a building on fire?This is called "venting a roof" or "ventilation." It is impossible for firefighters to see in such an environment. When a hole is made in the roof because the building is "vented," the smoke and gases escape because heat and smoke rise. It makes it much easier for firefighters in the building to see.
When you'r e not out fighting fires, what do you do?"Firefighters for the Eureka Fire Protection District work 48 hour shifts. We eat, sleep and work out of our fire station. All daily maintenance on fire department vehicles is performed at the fire stations. We are involved in educational programs in schools and to the public. We attend regular training to help maintain and continuously improve our skills.
What does ISO Rating mean?The Eureka Fire Protection District has a Class 4 rating according to the Insurance Service Office (ISO). This rate determines what you pay for fire insurance. The lower the rating, the better the insurance rate.
What is a hazardous material?A hazardous material is any item or agent (biological, chemical or physical) which has the potential to cause harm to humans, animals or the environment, either by itself or through interaction with other factors.
If you're experiencing any signs or symptoms relative to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or need to speak to someone to help put things into perspective, don't hesitate to contact someone! These emotions are normal, and there are numerous resources available. Visit to access resources available to you.
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